In today’s fast-paced world, emergencies can arise anytime, leaving you in need of quick funds. The search for loan is not as easy as it is advertised as people would struggle to find lenders who would lend them at an attractive interest rate and lengthy paperwork. People get tired by the lengthy documentation of personal loan. DBS Bank is here to set you free from all such hassles. DBS Bank has introduced a game-changing solution: A personal loan without any documentation, available at an competitive interest rate of 10.99%
DBS bank has been in India for more than 20 years now and is known for their customer-centric approach and innovative financial solution. Their new offering of Personal loan without any documentation comes as a savior for your urgent financial needs. Here are some of the features of DBS Personal Loan which is gaining immense popularity amongst people requiring instant personal loans
Eligibility – Personal Loans provided to both salaried and Self-Employed individuals
An Indian citizen
Age group – 21-60
Quick Check: You can determine eligibility %y in just 5 minutes with a simple assessment.
Minimum Income: Minimum net income of ₹25,001 is required.
No Company Listing Needed:
Income Documentation: For Salaried applicants, income documents are not required for loans up to ₹7 Lakhs. For amounts greater than these, you would have to submit proofs
Age Range: Applicants age should be between 21 and 58.
Loan Amount: We offer loans from ₹25,000 to ₹15 Lakhs.
Credit Score: A mandatory minimum Bureau Score of 750 is required.
Loan Tenure: You can choose a tenor from 36 to 60 months.
Credit History: Bureau vintage of 1 year is necessary.
Self-Employed Loan Limit: Maximum loan amount for Self-Employed individuals is ₹4 Lakhs.
Flexible Repayment: Foreclosure and part payment options are available after 6 completed EMIs with applicable charges.
Please ensure accurate office and residential addresses is captured during the loan application process
Procedure to apply for DBS Digibank Personal Loan
How DBS Bank differs from the other lenders?
One of the biggest advantages of this DBS personal loan is the complete absence of documentation formalities compared. Borrowers need not provide income proof, bank statements, or any other Lakhs and for other financial documents to be eligible. However, this is applicable to loans only valued till Rs. DBS has streamlined the approval process, making it incredibly convenient for prospective borrowers
DBS Personal without documentation at 10.99% is a welcome-relief for anyone seeking a personal loan with conveience. You can now Manage Financial emergencies with no fear