2 Ways to Modernize Your Business

The business world has come a long way since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. The emphasis on standardization and the use of emerging technologies (such as the spinning jenny in the clothing manufacturing industry) helped modernize businesses and industries in a way that was impossible before. In the decades following the Industrial Revolution, the use of time-saving machinery and technology was common in many organizations. Since the 21st century, technology, particularly IT infrastructure, have played a key role in shaping the next generations of business.

Today, in 2023, most office workplaces rely on a wide range of digital assets to allow the workforce to undertake a high volume of tasks and achieve consistency in the results. However, to continue to be competitive and profitable, a business must constantly seek ways to innovate and modernize its operations. This article explores two unique ways in which a range of businesses can be modernized.


Monitor and manage your cloud applications

In modern business, many forward-thinking businesses have achieved the transition to a cloud-based IT infrastructure in a relatively short period. The gains from this change are well documented and can include improved efficiency, lower costs, and more control over scaling business growth. However, as this cloud-based way of working becomes widespread, businesses will continue adding additional software applications and pieces to their online services, which are then controlled by application programming interfaces (APIs). There is a definite need to monitor and manage these API services more effectively, especially when the number of applications would make manual monitoring difficult.

Thankfully, with a high-performing API analytics platform, a business can scale its cloud operations and control them effectively. Such platforms allow real-time information on the performance of APIs. This can allow IT staff to quickly spot errors within the cloud system and ensure that remedial action can be taken to fix the issues. Put simply, modern businesses need this advanced cloud-based infrastructure to ensure that their systems continue to operate as effectively and efficiently as possible.


Encourage remote working

Evidence suggests that a remote workforce can operate more productively than one that must work from shared corporate premises. This is because many workers find that they can use their time more effectively when working from home when compared to a traditional office environment. There are no delays from commuting to a shared physical workspace and less fatigue as a result. Companies that seek to modernize should support remote and hybrid models of working. This can be achieved by providing a range of tech solutions that support efficiency and high levels of productivity.

Video conferencing software is vital in a remote workforce as it allows effective communication to take place and meetings to be held virtually. In addition, collaborative online platforms should be used to ensure that project work can be undertaken effectively by remote teams without the risks of duplicating work or adopting silo working practices. Occasionally, there may be a need for teams to meet up in a shared location (for away days or for annual events), but overall, a remote or hybrid workforce can continue to be effective without the need for regular group contact.


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